2023 Travel Outlook: Drive More Visitors with Value Based Marketing

Drive More Visitors with Value Based Marketing

Millennials are currently the largest generation of travel spenders, with 33% of these 27–42-year-olds (as of 2023) willing to spend at least $5,000 on a vacation.

Millennials also travel the most of any other demographic, with an average of 35 days per year spent traveling for business and pleasure. Many in the millennial segment identify with value based marketing and engage deeper with campaigns that embrace these themes. There are smaller segments in other generational segments that share these values, but the largest share are millennials demonstrating passion for sustainability, advocacy, and wellness. Communities who highlight how their destination exemplifies can attract this segment.


Sustainability is among the most important issues for those participating in “value-based travel”, so much so that “sustainable tourism” is a thriving sub-industry. Destinations and communities who want to attract tourism must have the consequences and mitigation methods that tourism has on the environment, economy, and people first and foremost in their marketing. Communities that can successfully navigate these sustainability and marketing confluences can expect to reap the benefits of becoming regional travel hubs.
In addition to traditional marketing procedures (audience, engagement, etc.) Destination Marketing Organizations that wish to incorporate sustainable tourism in their marketing plan should focus on the connection their destination has to the greater region. Positioning the community as the predominant place tourists can visit within reach of other interesting yet less sustainable locations can ensure the soon-to-be hub supports the region while mitigating the economic and environmental damage to less resilient destinations.

Download our 2023 travel outlook WP to find out more ways to drive visitors to your destination.

Learn more about how we can help you adapt to the evolving marketing landscape and ramp up your efforts.

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