The Art of Storytelling: Connecting with your Online Audience

No matter how hard people try, effective communication is often a huge struggle. The effects of this can lead to lost business opportunity, broken relationships, even injury or death. Not communicating well is a really big deal; so how do we get better? A great place to start is by better understanding how to tell our stories.

Take a moment to think about the best book you have ever read. I bet you can explain the plot, characters, and the lessons learned in that book with ease. I bet there are many books that you have also read that you cannot recall with much detail. Effective storytelling that connects with the audience will make a lasting impression.

How well do you know your story?

In making the most out of our stories we have to first understand why our stories matters. If the storyteller does not understand the purpose of what he or she is saying, then it is less likely that the value will be communicated. This is often referred to as “Understanding Your Why”.

Aside from understanding your purpose, there needs to be a clear understanding of your audience. Think back to your favorite book again. While it is your favorite book, it is not everyone’s favorite. Each unique individual is drawn to different things. This should impact how you communicate. Think about who your audience is and what matters to them. This will make it much more likely that your stories will be effective.

How well do you know your story? How well can your audience tell your story? Advertising is nothing more than brands telling stories.

Learn more about how we can help you adapt to the evolving marketing landscape and ramp up your efforts.

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